Sunday, July 28, 2013

QR Code Generators

Topic: QRPhoria
Tool Site:

Review of QRPhoria:

QR Codes allow for transmission of data from print to digital. This can be done either by clicking on a code or using a bar code reader/scanner via a smartphone to scan a code and be transported to a multiple of different areas including websites, a contest, coupon, or video. 

QRPhoria is one type of code generator tool that allows a user to create a code for the above purpose. QRPhoria is simple, quick, and requires no registration to get started. Simply go the website with an idea of what you want to link to. Next, go through the left scroll bar to pick your data type from a long list including twitter, facebook, business card, itunes, or URL. Provide the link, style, color, and encode. The save feature allows you to save it to your computer to be used at a later time. 

Recommended Use for Public Health Messaging: 

QR code generators can be utilized in public health for either linking to pertinent websites or provide contact information. An immediate standout use would be with provide presentations. Most phones have the ability to read QR codes and by providing this features shows the audience that public health is not only keeping up with trends but utilizing them to their best advantage. This in turn will provide the audience a quick and easy way to capture data. 

Scan below to be linked to my website: Protect Yourself Against HPV

Other QR Code Generators:

SnapVu []
FancyQRCode []

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