Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Spreading Health Knowledge Through Blogging

Blog Review

Tool: Blogger (

Review of Tool:
Using blogger is FREE and requires a user to Log-in with a Google account OR sign up for a new Google account (also FREE). Once that is completed the user is given clear directions on what is needed to complete the registration process. The hard part is figuring out what to start blogging about!

I found blogger to be user friendly with the perk of a quick registration process. It is connected with Google which offers other options such as linking with friends and creating circles with already formed contacts. Blogger offers a limited amount of templates for personalizing your blog, but comes with a customization option that includes background, layout, font, and many other items to change for those of us who have a couple of hours to spare.

Recommended Use for Public Health Messaging: Blogging offers public health officials the freedom to discuss and engage others from all over the world around a single or numerous health topics. These records are kept online as references for anyone to go back and look through them, without having to connect with the initial author. These messages are accessible at any time of the day which makes the content more convenient for a reader's viewing pleasure.

The comments section facilitates communication and allows everyone to be aware of the discussion that is centering around a particular topic. Utilizing blogging as a way of spreading health messages is another avenue that must be explored in order to ensure that public health knowledge is being spread to the entire population.

Similar Tools:
Tumblr []
MyBlogLog []

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Public Health Messaging: Tools and Resources

Info-graphics/Visual Themes

Tool Review: (

Review of Tool: Easelly is an infographic tool that allows the creation and sharing of visual charts with just a couple clicks of a button.
Multiple designs, background colors, shapes, and texts allow for fun, innovative ways to create messages. This tool is still in the beta stage which means that more improvements to the design may be made. A log in is required if you want to save and access your design at a later date. 

To start, simply type in the web address, Click on the start fresh tab, then use the tabs to Create your design. The Vhemes tab offers templates to jump start your creative side or click Clear to start from scratch. Just remember to SAVE.

For an example of how one looks check out the link below:

Recommended Use for Public Health Messaging: incorporates both text, colors, and pictures to stimulate viewers on multiple levels. Utilizing different designs can assist in the delivery of public health messaging across a broader variety of groups. Designs can range from kid friendly with lots of pictures or filled with data and charts. Using this approach offers public health officials the opportunity to be more creative in their outreach programs.

Similar Tools: []
Piktochart []